Tag: Maroon 5

Sammy Hagar and Adam Levine

Sammy Hagar & Adam Levine

Sammy Hagar & Adam Levine Co-create World’s First “Mezquila.” The crafted drink they shared was created with a combination of tequila and mezcal. Surprisingly, both found the drink to be quite satisfying in structure, flavor, and taste. It proved to be an “aha” moment for both, one that embraced their shared passion and eventually would tap the entrepreneurial blood they both shared alternative to tequila. A unique quality blend of blue and espadin agave, the drink presented with a smoky-sweetness that had firm structure and body. It was the best of both worlds.

Adam Levine and His Family Soak in the Sun

Adam Levine and His Family Soak in the Sun

Adam Levine and his family soak in the sun. At the start of the year, he was seen on the beaches of Cabo with his beautiful bride Behati Prinsloo and their new daughter Dusty Rose Levine, born in September of 2016.



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