Editor’s Letter

Mayté Rodríguez Cedillo

Message from the Editor-in-Chief

Travel is a gift we give ourselves…

To see the what is happening beyond our doorstep, to understand different cultures, to see how society and the planet is changing. Travel opens our eyes and gives us greater insight into the world, as well as into other cultures. I know it has made me a wiser, more understanding human being and, yes, even more appreciative of what I have.

As editor of this publication, I hope you will share with me the desire for travel, especially to Mexico; although the political climate hasn’t been positive, Mexico is an exceptionally rich travel destination with much to offer. Please read my article, co-authored by our very own Karin Leperi: “Beyond the Border.”

As we celebrate our 18th anniversary, we hope you will, once again, enjoy learning about the beautiful settings, as well as meeting Mexico’s Movers and Shakers, and Successful Women in Baja… and feel the same glimmer of optimism that we have about the future for both Baja California and Baja California Sur.

I am so pleased and excited over our cover presenting Sammy Hagar and Adam Levine – I hope you all love it too. Read how “mezquila” was born as two friends shared a drink in Cabo San Lucas… Thank you Sammy and Adam for granting us an award-winning cover! We couldn’t have done this without you – Marco.

We continue to celebrate the Los Cabos Children’s Foundation for their amazing work of changing the world One Child at a time. We’re delighted – one more time, to have Greg Norman, with his boundless knowledge, edit our Golf section. We gladly welcome three new editors, Beth Purcell on Yoga and Fernando Favela-Vara on wine. We’re also featuring four TOP developments in Cabo; Quivira, Solaz, El Encanto de la Laguna and Rancho San Lucas.

Please read the Real Estate Market Perspectives on B.C. and B.C.S. – we’re grateful to Steve Galvanoni and Rudy Valdes for editing these sections. Karie Boyd tells us about the Safe and Legal way to buy a second home in Mexico. Andrea Tankovitz is a name you will start hearing as this young and very talented designer continues to win awards. On a not so happy note, please read “Imposters of the Heart,” as Karin tells us about the #1 crime in America – imposters in all their disguises. They’re everywhere!

Finally, I wish to thank my wonderful staff – writers, photographers, editors, assistants and designers, and a very special thanks to Kim, Karie, Art and Mike, who put their heart and soul into the design of this issue, as well as the website. This magazine would not be possible without all of your truly top-notch talents. And, a special thanks to the advertisers and readers of BajaTraveler®. Your endorsements and support have been heart-warming and comforting during these past eighteen years.

The Warmth and Beauty of Mexico Await You!


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