Todos Santos

todos santos | Baja Traveler

Todos Santos


4,078 Population
950 Miles from the International Border
80° Avg. Temp.

Todos Santos is one of the most flourishing oases in southern Baja California. With its red brick buildings and wide streets, Todos Santos is still a quiet, charming and picturesque town.

Directly on the Tropic of Cancer, this town of about 4,000 residents is laid out in a small, rolling coastal plain called the Valle del Pilar, 64 kilometers from the Pacific Ocean shore.

This small, colonial village is centered around Nuestra Señora del Pilar, a beautiful church, and a town square. There is also a museum, Casa de la Cultura, which contains materials on the history of Southern Baja California, as well as items that reveal the town’s civic pride. Several buildings bear plaques honoring noted residents who fought in various struggles for Mexican independence.

Todos Santos is a beautiful virgin paradise that tourists, especially artists, won’t want to miss.


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